“PREVIEW Charlois fashion Week” presentatie Halte Charlois + 12 ontwerpers
“Halte Charlois is een doorlopend sociaal-cultureel modeproject van modeontwerper Nada van Dalen van, voor en door de Rotterdamse wijk Charlois. Het doel van Halte Charlois is in essentie simpel: Charlois vangen zoals het nu is, vangen voordat het onherkenbaar verdwijnt in de vaart der volkeren. Middels Halte Charlois wil Nada van Dalen Charloissenaren met elkaar verbinden en versterken. Een project met waarde voor de wijk, de omgeving en de Charloissenaar. Dwars door alle generaties heen een Charloisse identiteit vangen en vastleggen. Een identiteit die de Charloissenaar versmelt met zijn straten, parkjes, winkels en huizen; die de paradijsvogels verbindt met de hangjeugd. Puntsgewijs wil Halte Charlois de volgende doelen behalen: – De wijk Charlois in al zijn imperfecties vatten in een aantal kledingcollecties – Op een laagdrempelige wijze mode en het vervaardigen van kleding introduceren in de wijk. – Een platform en podium bieden voor (aspirant)modeontwerpers uit de stad Rotterdam, en specifiek Rotterdam-Zuid – Het in algemene zin bevorderen van de modecultuur in Rotterdam-Zuid.
In de Preview van de fashion week zullen de ontwerpers een shirt ontwerpen over Charlois in hun eigen, die te koop is in de tentoonstelling.
Daarnaast zijn de videos en onderzoeken te zien voor de aankomende editie die plaats zal vinden in mei 2025.
Workshop: ontwerp samen met het halte charlois team een kledingstuk over Charlois die gemaakt gaat worden voor de Charlois fashion week.
7 en 13 December van 12:00 tot 15:00
Sample sale van de deelnemende ontwerpers 21 en 22 december bij Nieuw Charlois, Nadadan (en de buren) op Katendrechtse Lagedijk 489a
Deelname workshop schrijf in op de website:
“Halte Charlois is een doorlopend sociaal-cultureel modeproject van modeontwerper Nada van Dalen van, voor en door de Rotterdamse wijk Charlois. Charlois vangen zoals het nu is, voordat het onherkenbaar verdwijnt. Dwars door alle generaties heen een Charloisse identiteit vangen en vastleggen. Een identiteit die de Charloissenaar versmelt met zijn straten, parkjes, winkels en huizen; die de paradijsvogels verbindt met de hangjeugd. En hiermee de modecultuur in Rotterdam Zuid bevorderen.
Warme groet Nada, Ivo, Nicole en vele anderen
“SUNFLOWER BLUE” solotentoonstelling Anne Kolbe
De mythe van de blauwe zonnebloem onthult de kracht van de natuur om ons te verleiden tot de droom haar aan te passen aan onze eigen fantasieën. Blauwe zonnebloemen bestaan niet – ze zijn biologisch onmogelijk. Toch brengen overduidelijk gefotoshopte afbeeldingen op websites zoals eBay en AliExpress de zaden van deze fictieve bloem tot leven.
In de installatie Sunflower Blue combineert Anne Kolbe performance en installatie door gebruik te maken van zowel zachte als harde sculpturen, textiel met handgetekende bloemmotieven, en haar eigen lichaam als medium dat poses en handelingen transformeert tot stillevens.
Onderdeel van de installatie is Planet by Plants, een speculatief planten-pulptijdschrift dat planten onderzoekt door de lens van lifestyle. Planet by Plants verbeeldt nieuwe ecologieën tussen mens en plant en is te koop tijdens de tentoonstelling.
Opening: Zaterdag 26 oktober 13.00 – 18.00 uur
Openingsgesprek: Tiiu Meiner, curator / schrijver
Open: 26 oktober t/m 23november 2024
Warme groet Anne, Ivo en Nicole
“EREB” exhibition summer guests Arianne van der Gaag and Machteld van Joolingen
The opening of “EREB” will take place on August 31, 2024, from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM. You are cordially invited to attend the first event of the new cultural season in Nieuw Charlois.
The exhibition is open until September 28, Thursday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
(Europe, its tears, deeds and dreams)
EREB is an installation created during an intensive two-month work period in project space Nieuw Charlois. The artists Machteld van Joolingen and Arianne van der Gaag have each worked towards this joint end result from their own perspective. Machteld wonders what the meaning of Europe is: is it the old continent, a faded glory, or can it reinvent itself? For Arianne, the myth of Europe is not only the washed-up princess, but also the present.
Machteld van Joolingen uses news images. She builds large compositions on location, in which the eye continues to wander and slowly realizes what it is looking at. Machteld created new work during a residency at the Cool Clay Collective.
Arianne van der Gaag's objects consist of organic shapes, which are created by working from the inside out and from detail to a whole. During the making, Arianne is captivated by the transformation of material into image. We would like to invite you to a special opening in Nieuw Charlois.
Warm regards Machteld, Arianne, Ivo and Nicole
“as we drift in the simmering pot things boil under the lid” group exhibition Man Pan Lau, Emilia Martin, Maika Garnica, Kamila Wolszczak, Baoyang Zhao
We would like to invite you to a special opening in Nieuw Charlois. Our space has been transferred to Kunstpodium-T Tilburg for once. Every year they organize the Apprentice and Master Program, in which groups of young artists from various academies in a radius of 100 km around Tilburg (including Belgium) work together with experienced artists for six months. This program leads to eight exhibitions at various locations in the Netherlands and Belgium.
The exhibition “As we drift in the simmering pot things boil under the lid” by the five artists opens in Nieuw Charlois: Man Pan Lau, Emilia Martin, Maika Garnica, Kamila Wolszczak and Baoyang Zhao. The project revolves around the story of the soup stone.
I am walking home:
we move, we make, flavours in our mouth.
Lines of my hands build new paths. I am walking home under a very specific moonlight.
It’s like the hospital light (silence) (all the happenings in the long white hall).
I am walking home, breathing, falling, breathing.
Each bowl is a carrier, the night is still quiet
(the sound of a gentle whistling) each stone – their own
all our hands meet, all our hands make (flavours in our mouth)
Whenever my heart was hollowed out,
I filled it (with stones)
I am walking home (the night is still quiet)
After a while my body became a very specific moonlight which is overshining everythingIt tastes yellow.
Warm regards Man Pau, Emilia, Maika, Kamila, Baoyang, Ivo and Nicole
“Tsunami of images” solo exhibition Nour-Eddine Jarram
We are proud to announce the exhibition “Tsunami of images” by the artist Nour-Eddine Jarram from March 16 to April 21, 2024.
The contact with Nour-Eddine started over a year ago when we started talking with a group of artists about a theme related to our work: people on the run. Now that the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, among others, and the problems around housing for people in Europe confront us every day through the media with all the misery, Nour-Eddine's work is more relevant than ever.
…” In his watercolors, Nour-Eddine Jarram is intensively concerned with the subject of 'people on the run'. He tries to find a different form for each group of people. He always decides differently about the use of color, the dark and the light and the monumentality of the composition. Monumentality does not necessarily say anything about the size of the work. A large monument can scream at you, while a small but monumental composition can irresistibly draw your attention to take a closer look. On the one hand, Nour-Eddine abstracts the figures in his work into an idea, on the other hand, he does not want to destroy the individuality of the figures....” (from an article by Albertus Pieters. )
“Tsunami of images” is a solo exhibition with recent works by Nour-Eddine, accompanied by one thematically related work by a number of guest artists from the group with which this project started. These are works of Robin Kolleman, Maria Ikonomopoulou, Celine van den Boorn, Kamiel Verschuren, Olphaert den Otter and Driessens & van den Baar. During the exhibition period, the works will be displayed alternately in the stock space.
The opening will take place on Saturday, March 16, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM and will be performed by Abdelkader Benali.As a writer and presenter, he explores themes such as double cultural identity and migration. People's search for a place for a new life, whether or not after their flight from war zones, is part of this. Some of his best-known books are Wedding by the Sea, The Long-awaited or Messages from a besieged city (daily weblog from Beirut) .
Kind regards, Nour-Eddine, Ivo and Nicole
“Spijker Passie” duo exhibition Sam Cruden/Arie van den Berg
From Saturday February 24, 2024, the Nieuw Charlois platform will be completely taken over by more than 100 jeans. We have paired a regular visitor from the area, Arie van den Berg, with Sam Cruden, who has had her own clothing brand for years. They didn't know each other weeks ago, but because of their shared passion they worked as an energetic duo.
Sam Cruden is an inventor, denim specialist, dismantler, repairer and, above all, maker. Sam has a strong passion for denim which has led her to well-known brands such as Diesel. In 2009 she started her own label, C.Cruden, where she created genderless clothing using carefully selected Japanese denim. Sam extends the lifespan of her designs by repairing and adjusting them and discovers that what is essential is already there.
Arie van den Berg collects old jeans, via eBay, Marktplaats or second-hand stores. He repairs, rearranges, cuts, combines or embroiders, until a pair of jeans can go into a new life completely restored. Nothing is lost and all the stories of the garment are made visible again.
The opening is from 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM with a word from our special guest Ellie Uyttenbroek. Ellie is a stylist and is mainly known for her collaboration with photographer Ari Versluis, with whom they conducted social/cultural research into “exactitudes” for years in their city of Rotterdam (and later internationally): the categorization of people who, in their clothing style and behavior, differ from each other. appear to be an even pole.
Kind regards, Sam, Arie, Ivo and Nicole